Friday 4 November 2016

Off Season

This year I decided to take some time off my bike following my last race of the season. Over the past few years, this is not something I've done as injury and illness has forced me to take time off my bike mid-season! In 2015 I picked up campylobacter poisoning after drinking from a dirty water bottle. I was really ill and took over a month to recover from this - I wasn't a great experience! I also had a couple of nasty 'offs' which stopped me riding. This season, although I've been stitched up at A&E a couple of times, I've luckily not had to take much time off.

Initially NOT cycling was a novelty, but after a few days I was missing my bike especially when the weather was good. However, with thoughts of the big season ahead with Zappis, it seemed a sensible idea to take a break and use the time to catch up with family and friends.

The Welsh Cycling Awards Night was an ideal opportunity to catch up with many friends. I was honoured to be nominated for the Colin Thornton Award for Junior Performance. The well deserved winner of the Award on the night was Jess Roberts but I was happy to have been nominated for a second consecutive year following my 2016 season.

It was a fun evening and the last evening of excess before Winter training began.
