Monday 12 December 2016

Team Launch

Last weekend I went down to Oxford for the launch of Zappi 2017 Race Team. It was a good opportunity to meet up with my new team mates and to chat with supporters of the team. The day began with some medical testing to ensure that we are all fit and well ahead of the coming race season. We then went to the team gathering where all of Flavio's teams were introduced- junior men's, women's and our U23 team.

It was also great to check out our new Colnago Concept team bikes, with some great personalised touches. They look fantastic and I cannot wait to wack a leg over it in January. I have to give a huge thanks to Windwave who have enabled us to acquire these Italian stallions along with Aero helmets and glasses from BBB.

During the day we found out more information about the year ahead including our race calendar. We start the year training in Calpe, southern Spain from January till March. Then we go across to Italy. The race schedule looks amazing with a possible 60 races including 20+ UCI races. We will be racing all over Europe. I am looking forward to experiencing different styles of racing.

Another big thanks has to go out to the team supporters and most importantly Flavio Zappi who has been super busy putting together such a great programme for us lads. Really excited about the upcoming year now; cant wait to jet off to Calpe!

Forza 2017!