Friday 15 September 2017

Blog 13 - This chapter ends

My time in Italy has come to a premature close due to a lingering virus. I'll be sad to leave Italy but I need to get my health sorted. This simply wasn't going to happen by staying out in Italy with the hectic daily routine. I am pretty disappointed to miss out on some very cool races such as Lombardia but that's the way it goes....

Firstly, let me rewind to where I ended my last blog. Following a couple of successful races I remained at Garbelli's house in Bergamo. Flavio and the other boys arrived by mid August and the house became pretty busy. Our racing schedule was also 'full on' by the end of August, with plenty of Nationals. Gradually throughout this period I started to feel a bit 'run down'. Then one morning I woke up with a very sore throat; it was the day after Rovascala. I continued to train and race for the next 2 weeks without much choice in the matter. Unsurprisingly, I didn't manage to shift this illness and I became more and more fatigued and disappointed in my performances.  

On 2 September we travelled to Varese to race in GP Carnaghese. Weather was pretty rubbish, pouring with rain and just 11 degrees! After just one lap, the race was cancelled as there were multiple crashes due to diesel on the course. For me, this was a blessing in disguise due to my health. We immediately got on the road to Tuscany to race the Trofeo SC Corsanico the very next day. Finally, on the morning of this race the penny dropped with Flavio and he accepted that there was something not right with me so I was allowed not to start the race. I became soigneur for my teammates for this race and the following race. That day, I phoned home to discuss the situation and I made the decision to fly home. This concluded my season with Zappi's.

Dominico Garbelli offered for me to travel back with the Palazzago team and stay with him in Bergamo until my flight home on Thursday. I have to give a huge thanks to Dominico for his hospitality, accompanying me to the dentist and generally 'being there'. Although he speaks little English and my Italian is limited, we got on pretty well.

So this chapter has closed. I have had many experiences. Some which I won't be sharing in a blog but I'd happily share in person!.....Although results haven't been what I'd hoped for as a whole this year, I had a solid Nationals, a great Valle D'Aosta and I achieved a couple of Top 25's in Italian races. I have learnt a lot this year, travelled to some awesome locations and I can now 'get by ishh' in Italian.

Passo San Marco

I am excited about next Year. and once recovered I'll be getting stuck into some Winter training but for now at least I am enjoying some much needed rest and home comforts. I can't yet reveal anything about next year but I can confirm that I will not be renewing my contract with Zappi RT. Good luck to the original Zappi's who started with me in January - James, Paul and Ben.

I must add a huge thanks to my supporters - Pedal Potential and the Tom Maynard Trust.
