Friday 2 March 2018

Blog 19

Carrying on from where I left off last time, I arrived in Alicante with some very wet kit... It got completely soaked en-route from Barcelona due to biblical rain! Anyway, I don't want to start on a dampener; it was really good to get across Spain to meet all the welsh lads for a solid 10 day camp.

The camp was mostly about getting some more solid kilometres in the bag but also structure and a team emphasis to the training with TTT( team time trial) blocks, lead-outs and Sprints. It was also good to get some competitive elements to the training with some hill and mock races which is always good fun (when your legs are on side). In general, it was, as I keep reiterating, a good time away riding bikes in the sun. I can't fault that! Our only properly wet ride really wasn't that bad either as the temperatures are generally warmer than the UK. It could just be called acclimatising ;getting us ready for UK weather. A lot more to come on this welsh team in the next few blogs as a lot is still under wraps.....

Arriving back home mid February was a bit of a shock to the system after being in Spain for a month and a half. The weather just really isn't as kind here. To begin with it wasn't too bad but from the last week of February to now the weather has just been bitter. This is really less than ideal for training out on the roads with temperatures predominantly below Zero. Training wise since being back home, I've been trying to get some intensity in after already developing my base over winter. This has meant getting some pretty grim efforts in and looking at a wall for long periods hacking away on the turbo trainer. Unfortunately, due to the inclement weather the first race of the season for me has been cancelled which was the Tour of the Mining Valleys. Fingers crossed the weather will turn soon so I can get out of my garage to venture back out onto the roads to train. All in all, my season prep is going well.

I just want to get stuck into some racing now especially as Commie games is just around the corner! I almost forgot to mention even though the Team Wales launch had to be cancelled due to the snow, I was able to pick up my commie games kit earlier this week. I'm pretty sure that dad was more excited than me unboxing the kit! "Didn't get this much in my day....."

More exciting updates coming soon. I promise.