Wednesday 18 April 2018

Commie Games 2018 rundown

I'm writing this now in the sky's, on my return from the Gold Coast from what has been the best few weeks I've ever had! I'm pretty sad to be leaving Australia; definitely want to be returning as soon as I can.

But back to what has been the most incredible first games experience for me. I’d first of all like to thank all the people who have helped and made it possible along the way especially Welsh Cycling and Sport Wales who gave me this fantastic opportunity. It was especially nice to have my parents out here supporting and I was able to catch up with them briefly pre and post race.

Being one of the youngest on the team I was pretty nervous and apprehensive of what to expect, racing such a 'stacked' field, especially this early on in the year.

I kicked off my games campaign with the individual TT on the 10th. I didn’t have the highest expectations going into this as I’m not the most suited rider to a TT being small and light. However, after seeing the course and how lumpy it was, I was pleasantly surprised. It suited my strengths quite well. So pinning my number on and setting off down the start ramp in the National kit for the first time was such a fantastic feeling and just filled me with pride. There was so much welsh support along the way which just motivated me even more. The sounds of the crowd just carried me along down the first section along Currumbin beach front but at the same time I didn’t want to get carried away as there was still a long way to go and some gruelling climbs to get up. I just gave everything I had and emptied the tank. I was so happy to come away with 15th as this far exceeded my personal expectations. It was also nice to spend a bit of time in the leader's hot seat. This ride also gave me a bit more confidence in my legs ahead of the road race which was just 4 days later.

The road race was on a short lap at 18km with 2 steep kicks on each lap but the rest of the course was pretty fast. This was always going to make for an unpredictable and very tough race. So come race day our job was to cover all break-aways and make sure a welsh rider was always represented up the road; which we managed to do. Then we also had to look after our medal hopes in Luke Rowe and Jon Mould. The pace was full on for the first hour and a half. I was riding on the limit chasing moves especially with Australian riders in.

They had a super strong team and of course were always going to want to bring home a medal which they ended up doing with Steel Von Hoff taking Gold. But back to the earlier stages in the race. The race was pretty relentless until a more substantial break with our rider Dylan went for a long period and there was finally a 'let up' in the race. Australia then controlled the race until the finish, trying to keep the race together for a sprint. After covering little moves and getting into break- aways I was spent coming into the last lap.

My day was done with half a lap to go and feeling pretty satisfied that I’d given it my all for the role I’d been given. Anyway in the closing stages a few riders like Meyer (Aus) and Luke Rowe pinged off the front on the last climb but got brought back by the New Zealander’s. Then coming into the finale there was a very depleted group on the road but in the dash for the line the legend that is Jon Mould managed to bag himself a silver medal! I was over the moon to hear this when I crossed the line.

So pleased for him and it was a super special feeling to be part of such a great team. This was also great after Dani getting a Bronze medal in the morning ladies Road Race.

All in all it was just a great experience to be away with such a great bunch of people with such a good team atmosphere having a real good laugh in the run up to the race and some celebrations post race. 

Apart from the actual bike racing, the Gold Coast is an absolutely stunning place and it was great to spend time there. The beaches were ace (basically what I’m saying is I need to go back!!).  Once our racing was over we had 2 days in the athletes village to get a bit more of a taste of the games experience and to get to spend time with other athletes from all over which was cool. But it was nice to have our own house on the Gold Coast prior to the racing to concentrate fully on the training and racing to make sure we could bag the results that we ended up with.

Now very much looking forward to getting stuck into racing for the rest of the season.