Friday 19 April 2019

Totnes and Klondike

Racing season is now well under way. The last two weekends have been spent on the road. First up was Totnes - 2 day stage Race followed by Klondike the first National Series race of the year.

After a pretty savage hill-climb up Haytor I finished in the bridesmaids slot to Steve Lampier of St Piran by the narrowest of margins (2 tenths of a second...). The next 2 days, me and the team tried hard to gain an inch on 'Lamps' but it wasn't to be. I finished up 2nd on GC after the 3 races. Teammate Josh took a 2nd in the crit and a 3rd in the final stage. Good weekend riding by all of the team. This set me up nicely going into Klondike the following weekend.

It was an attritional but controlled day for the most part until the last hour when a flurry of attacks occurred. The first attack occurred up the Saltburn bank which was a short but punchy kick off the seafront. This split the race to bits!  From then on in there was a constant wave of attacks whittling down the field until there was a select few remaining to contest the win. I remained with the leaders through the series of big moves until my legs completely fell over with about 14k to go. It was survival mode until the finish when I rolled in 24th. There were positives and negatives to take from this race. Digging so deep to stay with the moves until I was no longer able. I was disappointed not to be able to stay with these riders to get a result. This will have done the legs some good. Onwards now to the upcoming races.

Next up is the Tour of Bretagne which I'm very much looking forward to. The Race starts on 25th April and it's 7 tough stages with the highest level of U23s and conti riders in Europe competing.