Thursday 16 November 2017

Blog 15

Finding it a bit hard to think of ideas for this blog but a few people have been nagging me (Granddad!) for the next instalment; sorry for the wait guys!
Rolling around the Vale...

 So most recently, in the last 5 weeks or so, I’ve been getting back into the routine of winter training for the build up to next season. Training wise it’s now predominantly 'strength based' including 4 and a half hours a week in the gym. At first, getting back into the gym work was a shock to the system.  The muscles felt pretty sore for the first week or so. However, I’m definitely feeling there are some solid gains to be made from the gym work throughout this winter. In fact, I’m already feeling some benefits that have translated to my riding. The staff at Sport Wales are ace and really tailor the program to suit my weaknesses. I sometimes feel a bit sorry for the staff having to deal with us weedy cyclists especially when we are in the company of Wales' top boxers!
Another foggy morning up Bwlch...

Back to the bike work, it’s been mostly steady riding and any efforts have been 'over-geared' for strength to compliment the gym program. I’ve also done a good few sessions down at the velodrome in Newport. It felt weird getting used to riding circles again as it’s been over a year and a half since I’d last been on those boards.

Are you happy now Granddad??? 

Apart from the training side of things I’ve been taking advantage of my time back at home without the constraints of racing, to catch up with mates and generally get my mind off cycling to keep my head fresh ahead of the 2018 season. I wanted to keep this blog short and sweet to just give you a brief overview of what I’m up to at the moment. In the coming month I should have something a bit more exciting to share with you. And with an upcoming trip to Gran Canaria on the horizon I'll have a few more photo opportunities.....


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