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Saturday 23 December 2017

Blog 16 (2017 ends on a high)

To cap off what's been a packed 2017 of highs and lows; the year is definitely coming to an end with a high. Firstly, I've just returned from a fantastic trip away to Gran Canaria with Welsh Cycling.

The trip was a great opportunity to get the first serious block of training in prior to the 2018 season. It was a great camp getting some quality kms in and plenty of climbing. The roads were ace for riding with a spaghetti like layout over the mountains. Again, it was just really enjoyable to get some serious riding in to kickstart next season. 

I personally found it to be a great experience as it was my first trip away training with Wales as a 'senior' rider. Being the youngest rider, it was quite nice to get to know the other riders on the team a bit better.  It was really good to have such great support off all of the Welsh cycling staff too. Great atmosphere to train in with such a nice bunch of people on this camp (and Stevie....haa).

We did some pretty epic rides with big elevation figures spending time in the clouds. This was character building for sure but also pretty enjoyable being a bit of a goat. I'm feeling pretty happy with my riding at the moment and I hope to build upon this form through the coming season.

In other news, I’m really happy to announce that I’m on the 2018 commie games short list of riders for the road race at the gold coast. I’m super happy with this and it provides all the more motivation to make the most of my training and end up on the start line out in Australia. 

I hope everyone has a great Christmas and New Year!
