Monday 5 February 2018

Blog 18 Girona

Carrying on from my last blog I've been building the foundations to this season out in Catalonia. I've been staying out here for the whole of January with good friend, Reece Wood (Wiggins rider). We've made the most of the 'on the whole' more consistent weather, to get plenty of hours in the chair.

Hearing from people in the UK it sounds like the weather has been pretty inclement. So once again, I've been lucky at dodging the worst of the British winter. Anyway, less of the gloating, this month has mostly consisted of endurance rides with a few efforts and also I've continued with a gym program.

Catalonia has been very different to other places in Spain that I've previously experienced. It's a mecca for cyclists as many live here or use this area as a training base. Here, you are never short of company if you need it. I've really enjoyed my stay, especially the roads. Although we had to do a lot of riding on the flat to get to the good climbs, it was worth it for the quiet roads and ace views. The only downside of the quiet roads is that occasionally they end up running out and you're left with a lot of dirt tracks!

I've enjoyed being in a different area of Spain after spending a fair chunk of last season in Calpe. It's a very traditional place and siestas are still the norm. for many businesses. I discovered this first-hand when I needed a bike shop. The opening hours for the shop were 4.30pm to 9pm.... I'm sure I will end up coming back here some time soon as it's great for training and after only spending a brief amount of time in Girona, I'd like to get to know this place better. All in all it's been a very
good start to the year and hopefully it will continue in this direction.

Currently I'm on my travels. I'm flying from Barcelona to Alicante for a team camp in Calpe. More to come on that in a blog soon.....

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