Wednesday 19 June 2019

Trials and Tribulations

The last month or so since I last checked in here hasn't been plain sailing to say the least. From being on a bit of a high from the Tour of Bretagne, I got a bit of a virus most probably from being depleted from the race . I thought I was over this so decided to rock up at Redditch tour series. This turned out to be a bit of a mistake as I wasn't fully over this and had to abandon with some weird health symptoms. Following this, I went for a load of different tests over the next 2 and a half weeks mostly to do with my heart. This was a very frustrating period of not knowing if I had an issue or not but mostly missing one of my key target races for the year, The Fleche de Sud.

After seeing many different people and finally an expert based in London, I was given the all clear to get back training and racing.  It was actually quite interesting to see the 3D heart scan etc. I was pleased to hear this and dead motivated to regain some fitness which seemed to be going pretty well. Then 2 weekends ago I got back to racing in Belgium in GP Memorial Van Conningslo. However, this race came to a very premature end. Crashing fairly early on, hard onto my face! I was taken to hospital where I had stitches on my lip and nose. I also once again took my front tooth out (3rd time in a race!!!!). Fair to say, I did a proper job..... A few days later now when I've tried to train again but my left knee has been giving me grief from something sustained in the crash. This means even more time off the bike and in rehab to get me back on the road.

This has been really annoying having a vast chunk of my mid season taken away through misfortune. However,  hopefully it won't be too long until this knee is sorted and  stitches are out so my looks aren't quite as dented as last week! Just more scars to add to the collection.... I've been feeling pretty sorry for myself but it could have been worse and I could have ended up like Froome.

I'm doing what I can to get my knee sorted but this is mostly a waiting game. Frustrating as this is, I'm just looking forward to getting back racing once I'm fit again.


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