Tuesday 30 May 2017

Blog 8

So a quick update. Unexpectedly I'm still at home! I should have been on a flight to Bologna, Italy last week - flight booked, online check-in complete. Just 36 hours before I was due to fly, my team informed me that plans had changed. I was asked could I get to Nice from Bologna. This would have meant getting a train from Bologna to Milan. Then a train from Milan to Nice....... Just one problem here - my team bike, shoes and kit, are all in the Team House in Northern Italy and the house is locked! I had two options:

1. Fly to Nice. Race on a team mate's spare bike and borrow some kit.

2. Cancel my Bologna flight and stay at home to concentrate on preparing for the Nationals (Road and TT)

I chose option 2. I was initially pretty disappointed. As I said in my last blog, I was looking forward to getting stuck in to the Italian races. My form has improved a fair bit and I was interested to see how well I went in the these races. However, I'm not one to dwell. Since I've been home I've thoroughly enjoyed getting stuck into some consistent quality training and also doing some TTs. I broke the Course record on my local club 10 and have improved my personal best for a 25 mile TT. My legs are coming along nicely and I hope to build upon this form ahead of the June Nationals.

Aside from the 'on the bike' stuff, the weather on the whole has been fantastic. This had made the hours in the saddle a lot more enjoyable. It has also been nice to take some time to chill and get down to the local beach to make the most of this weather in Wales.


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