Friday 16 June 2017

Blog 9

I have just a few days left before I travel to the Isle of Man for my first Senior nationals. I'm excited and nervous in equal measure! I have been making the annual pilgrimage to the IOM for the Youth and then Junior National Series races since 2012 and have always really enjoyed my visits.
(2012 in my first leaders jersey with my now team mate Owen Dudley in 3rd wheel) 

It's always been one of my favourite destinations on the Calendar due to its lumpy terrain and changeable weather....... I also have a number of good Manx friends including Zappi team mate Owen Dudley.  I've always had a good run of GC races in the IOM:

In 2012 as a 2nd year under 14, I finished second overall to Dan Tulett. I was chuffed in this race to wear my first ever leader's yellow jersey.
In 2013 I rode my first time for Wales and finished 12th on GC in a support role for Joe Holt
In 2014 I narrowly missed out on the win - by just 1 second to Matty Walls who was to become my teammate the following season.
In 2015 I endured some of worst conditions I'd ever raced in and was happy to end up in 4th overall without hypothermia!
In 2016 another tough race but finished in 5th overall

(2016 during y last IOM junior tour)

This Year will be different, racing the likes of Mark Cavendish, Pete Kennaugh, Luke Rowe, Adam Blythe etc..... My aim is to produce a respectable result in the Time Trial and to get stuck in to the road race. Basically I'm looking forward to the whole experience at my first senior Nationals.

During the last couple of weeks leading up the nationals I've been putting the hours in but also had a dabble in a few circuit races and a road race. I've been pretty happy with how the legs have felt riding these races aggressively and trying to make each race.

My next blog will have a run down of how the 2017 Nationals went for me.

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