Friday 8 November 2019

Coaching venture

As many of you may have seen by now, I have started my own coaching business to offer one-to-one plans and support anyone who may be interested.

This has been in the works for a while whilst I was completing my coaching qualification with ABCC. I've always had an interest in coaching and training plans as I've been coached myself for many years by various people.  I've a fair bit of experience on a personal level.  I have always been interested in how the body responds to different sessions and how individuals differ in their response to training. I feel I am quite a good judge of an athletes traits and what will work for certain individuals and this is only achieved by having a close coach-athlete bond.

Aside from physically improving an individual, I feel I can offer a lot of useful race/tactical advice as this is a side to racing that in my opinion just isn't looked into enough. Through my personal experiences racing and from all of the people I've met through racing, I've picked up many nuggets of useful information that I'm happy to share.

Doing the coaching side of things is something I've wanted to do for a while and thus far I'm really thankful for the response I've had. I'm running this in parallel with my personal goals with the sport as I've found focusing my energy onto other areas helps to keep me mentally fresh and not so self consumed in my own racing. This helps me stay really motivated for my own training/racing.

With regards to my own training I'm on a build/strength phase of winter training. This is a mix of gym and strength efforts on the bike. I'm also mixing this up with some speed work at the velodrome. The rest of time I'm riding on the roads through whatever weather is thrown at me! At this time of year it is great to mix things up to keep yourself fresh. It's great to get out social riding with friends at this time of year.

I hope to meet a good few of you reading this along the way. Please feel free to get in touch with any coaching advice you'd like; just drop me a message.


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