Wednesday 11 March 2020

Pre season 2020

This update's been a long time coming... So since I've last updated you guys, I've been cracking on with a big workload of winter training but with a few changes this year compared to previous years.

Training wise, I've increased my gym load; On the bike, I've been working on my top end power throughout the winter. During this period I've kept up my endurance volume (very much helped by my 2 trips to Catalonia). The upped gym load has very much been for injury prevention after my previous seasons knee injury but also I've been working on my imbalances. I really feel this work has helped me a bunch going into this season. I just feel generally stronger as a person from it. Bike wise, I've really focused on my 'max' and 'sub 5' minute power as this is the area that comes least naturally to me. It's also been nice to mix up the training to keep more engaged and mentally fresher with my day to day work. This brings me on to my next phase of training which has been the volume that I've predominantly spent doing in Catalonia.

No big New Year's Party for me as at 7.00am on January 1st I was on a plane headed for Barcelona. As I have for the past 2 seasons now; I find pre-season prep in Girona really works for me. I feel really at home in Girona and have a great group of friends on and off the bike. I spent January getting in many hours of training but also a lot of specific work in the gym and structured efforts on the bike. As well as the solid work I get done on the bike, it's nice to have a great bunch of friends that I've met over the last few years of heading here to spend time with off the bike. Then to top the  my trip off team mate joe Becks came to join join me for the last 10 days which I think was great for the pair of us.

After 3 weeks back in gloomy GB (constantly searching Skyscanner), I returned to Catalonia but this time with my Academy team mates for what was set to be one of the best team camps I've been on. We stayed at the unreal Artah retreats villa which was amazing in every way! The setting was stunning  in the foothills of the Pyrenees so perfect for our camp. The camp consisted of long days stacked with group efforts. It was great to get training as a unit and to generally work better as a team. Morale was always high even though we were putting in some serious hours (40 hours in 9 days). Morale was also helped by the unreal food being made by the chef, Juan. Towards the latter end of camp, Wales linked up with GB and Israel Cycling Academy for 2 days of Group Training/mock races. This was great to edge a bit of competition out of the boys and just good to link up with the other lads.

Race Season is now underway and judging by the first race, that camp has definitely done us some good. At Evesham RR on Sunday we bagged a 1,2,3. I couldn't ask for a better start to the season for me taking the win and for the way all of the lads rode. I'm now really looking forward to Sunday's Betty Pharoah RR on home turf where I hope to continue the trend!

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